How to Make Friends at Camp

Going to summer camp is a great way for kids to learn new skills, explore the outdoors, and make lasting connections with their peers.

But making friends at camp can be intimidating, especially if you’re a shy kid or new to the camp scene. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to break the ice and start meeting people.

Here are some tips for making friends at camp!

1. Start with Small Talk

Small talk is an easy way to introduce yourself and get to know your fellow campers. Ask about their interests and hobbies, where they’re from, and what kind of activities they like doing—it doesn’t have to be complicated! Just remember that the goal is to get everyone talking and build a rapport.

2. Take Advantage of Camp Activities

Camp activities are a great way to meet people and bond over shared interests. The key here is to try out different activities that interest you—you never know who else might be interested in that same activity as well!

For example, if you’re into rock climbing, look around for other kids who also climb. You may find that you have more in common than just climbing!

3. Be Respectful and Open-Minded

Friendship starts with respect—and when it comes to building friendships at camp, it’s important for everyone involved to keep this in mind.

Listen carefully when others speak, show empathy towards their experiences, and don’t judge them based on any preconceived notions or stereotypes. Learning how to accept others without judgment will help you make connections with people from all walks of life.


All in all, making friends at camp can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be! By starting off small with conversations based on mutual interests and being respectful of those around you, you’ll be sure to make some new friends before the end of your camping experience.

And don’t forget: these tips aren’t just applicable during summer camp – they can be used any time you’re trying to make new connections! Good luck!


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