How to Put Out a Fire Pit Safely

Fire pits can bring a lot of joy and ambiance to your outdoor space. But when it’s time to put out the fire, you must do so with caution. There are several steps that need to be taken to ensure that your fire is completely extinguished and your fire pit is safe for use again.

Let’s take a look at how to put out a fire pit safely.

1. Let the Wood Burn Out

The first step in putting out your fire pit is letting the wood burn out completely. This means leaving the flame on until there is nothing left but glowing embers and ash. Once this point has been reached, it’s time for the next step.

2. Douse with Water

Once all of the wood has burned out, you can begin dousing the embers with water. Be sure to pour enough water on them so that they are fully extinguished. If necessary, you can use a shovel or other tool to stir up the embers before pouring more water on them.

It is important to make sure that all of them have been doused with enough water so that they do not reignite after being removed from the fire pit.

3. Remove the Embers

After ensuring that all of the embers have been fully extinguished, you can begin removing them from the fire pit using tongs or another tool. Be sure not to touch them with your hands as they may still be hot even after being doused with water.

Place them in an appropriate container such as a metal bucket or trashcan and allow them to cool down further away from any flammable materials or surfaces such as grass or leaves.

Once all of the embers have been removed and allowed to cool down, they can be disposed of properly according to local safety regulations and ordinances.

If necessary, you can also dispose of any ashes in an appropriate container as well before cleaning up any debris around your fire pit area and allowing it time for it to cool down completely before covering it up for storage or future use.


Properly extinguishing a firepit is an essential part of keeping your space safe from potential danger due both from fires reigniting and improper disposal practices such as throwing burning coals into dry areas like brush piles which could create dangerous situations for people and wildlife alike if not handled properly.

Following these steps will help ensure that you keep yourself and those around you safe while enjoying your outdoor space!


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