How to Test Spring Water for Potability

While spring water can often be an excellent alternative to store-bought drinking water, it is important that you test it first.

Testing the quality of your spring water ensures that it is safe and free from contaminants such as bacteria and heavy metals.

Read on to learn more about the steps you should take before drinking spring water.

1. Collect a Sample of Water

The first step in testing your spring water is collecting a sample. Make sure to collect the sample at least one foot away from the source in order to avoid any possible contamination from algae or other pollutants in the immediate area.

It is also important to use a clean container when collecting your sample. Be sure to fill the container with enough water so that you can send an adequate amount for testing.

2. Have Your Water Tested

The next step is having your sample tested for its portability. You can do this by sending it off to a laboratory for analysis, or you can purchase a home test kit from your local hardware store.

Home test kits are designed to detect a number of common contaminants, including bacteria, heavy metals, and nitrates/nitrites. However, if you want more comprehensive results, sending off your sample for professional analysis would be the best option.

3. Take Action if Necessary

If your results indicate that there are contaminants present in your sample, then it’s important to take action right away.

Depending on the type of contaminant detected, you may need to install a filtration system or treat your water with chemicals such as chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide.

If these steps don’t solve the issue, then it might be necessary to find an alternate source of drinking water until the problem can be resolved.


Spring water can be an excellent alternative source of drinking water—but only if it has been tested for contaminants first!

To ensure that spring water is safe and free from pollutants like bacteria and heavy metals, make sure that you collect a sample at least one foot away from the source and have it tested either professionally or with a home test kit available at most hardware stores.

Taking these proactive steps will help ensure that your family has access to clean and safe spring water now and in the future!


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